Letter: Orange Order is meant to uphold Christian values yet welcomed the man who has enforced abortion and relationships and sex education (RSE) on Northern Ireland

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from Raymond Stewart:

Thankyou for your excellent pictorial coverage of the Twelfth and Thirteenth.

In Coleraine we were given a powerful address from Rev Keith McIntyre of Bessbrook who spoke on Psalm 11 v 3 which says 'If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? '

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He applied this to the family and to the shocking figures in Northern Ireland of children killed through abortion.

You reported the welcome given to Chris Heaton Harris MP, the secretary of state, at the County Armagh demonstration in Lurgan. The Orange Order is meant to uphold Christian values including the life of the unborn here in NI. This is the man who has prompted the enforcement of abortion here where almost 7,000 have been killed since 2019. He also has given a lead on putting our children in both primary and post primary schools through relationships and sex education (RSE).

Indeed he boasted about this at a recent LGBTQ reception at Stormont.

In doing this has rejected democracy and indeed decency in Northern Ireland. What has the Orange Order got to say about this and how does it respond to the enforcement of buffer zones shortly throughout Northern Ireland where Christians will be criminalised for peaceful witness?

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Parents, Grandparents and teachers need to revolt against the promotion of what God's word describes as sin.

We need a few Jeremiah's in our churches such as Rev McIntyre to cry it aloud.

'Righteousness exalteth a Nation yet Sin is a reproach unto any People' Proverbs 14 v 34.

The internet version of this letter will link to the website The Truth Behind RSE at tbrni.org .

Raymond Stewart, Newtownabbey