Letters: Taking back control of borders does not apply in Northern Ireland

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from David McNarry

Rishi Sunak’s top three priority of ‘stopping illegal migration’ excludes Northern Ireland.

Outlawing human trafficking applies only to English Channel crossings from the EU to Great Britain. Notably the Tory boast of ‘taking back control of our borders’ does not apply here.

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The facts are that the Northern Ireland Protocol and the Common Travel Area prevent the prime minister’s priority from operating across the UK-Republic of Ireland (RoI) border.

Not even by default should NI be complicit in facilitating the exploitation of human trafficking. Shamefully the government is turning a blind eye to what is none other than human beings being lured into the inhumane trading of people for money. It is wrong and is not being policed.

Without checks, illegal migrants take a ferry from France to Dublin, then catch a bus to Larne to board a ferry to Scotland.

Undetected they are moved across the mainland and disappear.

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We have no idea of how many illegal migrants come across the border from the Irish Republic. No idea of how many are apprehended and deported-sent back to Dublin.

Data detailing the numbers of illegal migrants accessing the UK via the RoI route are not in the public domain. NI is being used as a human bootlegging outlet and no one has a clue what is going on.

The secretary of state, Chris Heaton-Harris, and the NIO minister, Steve Baker, two ERG luminaries owe us all an explanation detailing why the government’s priority to ‘stop illegal migration’ will not operate in Northern Ireland.

I would like to think that our politicians are alert to the exclusion of NI . But where is the challenge in Parliament to what is the gross distortion of consistency in controlling all UK borders?

David McNarry, Comber, Co Down