Lord Frost now needs to outline when UK will trigger Article 16

Lord Frost announces the latest UK approach to the Northern Ireland Protocol in the House of Lords on WednesdayLord Frost announces the latest UK approach to the Northern Ireland Protocol in the House of Lords on Wednesday
Lord Frost announces the latest UK approach to the Northern Ireland Protocol in the House of Lords on Wednesday
A letter from the former UUP and Ukip MLA David McNarry:

The EU’s outright rejection of Lord Frost’s attempt to resolve the Northern Ireland Protocol issue has served to heighten unionist anger.

Such action by Brussels can only lead to unionists calling enough is enough of this charade.

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They will lose electoral support should they accommodate the passage of this protocol, or enable a facilitate a compromise proposal that diminishes our Britishness.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

It has also been unedifying to watch our neighbour take business from legitimate Great Britain suppliers and enjoy financial gain from the trade blockade imposed by the Northern Ireland Protocol.

The question now to Lord Frost is ‘when will the government trigger Article 16 and call out Brussels for partnering with Ireland against the unionist community in Northern Ireland’?

Lord Frost must recognise that the mood of unionism understands the high stakes of what potentially is at risk. He cannot fail to see that the resolve is strong, and that if the protocol is summarily imposed the Stormont executive will collapse.

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There is no shame in all unionists standing up for who we are.

It is the many and not the few who today stand together in demanding the immediate removal of the NI Protocol.

David McNarry, Comber

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