Memoir is a reminder that unionism has only itself to blame for not integrating itself more with UK politics

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
It is fascinating reading the memoirs of retired civil servant Sinclair Duncan in the News Letter.

(The last part of Mr Duncan’s memoir is here — within it there are links at the bottom to all the earlier parts)

His observation that incoming direct rule ministers in 1972 talked of being ‘out’ here (as if it were a far flung colony) reflects how separate the place was from the rest of the UK.

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I have always felt that unionism has only itself to blame for not integrating itself more with UK politics.

This made Northern Ireland a place apart to the point where right up to the present day London can casually impose a trade border down the Irish Sea because it has no affinity with the place.

Unionism’s big success was the 1921 partition settlement — helped by the Special Constabulary during the turbulent 1920’s (Gordon Lucy’s Column, Nov 2, see link below).

That unionists felt Northern Ireland was more secure within the UK under unionist devolved government was understandable but the fall of Stormont in 1972 implies it was ultimately a failed policy.

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It is easy to look back with hindsight at what could have been done differently, but good leaders should come with foresight.

Maybe part of unionism’s problem is it never had such leadership in the decades after the 1920s.

Thomas Stewart, Belfast

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