Orange Order needs to prevent use of banners for personal political opinion

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from a contributor whose name is supplied:

I would like appeal through your paper to the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland in the hope that they Would adopted a policy to prevent the banners of private lodges being used for global political propaganda that’s often based on a false narrative for a corrupt agenda .

The reason being that on the Twelfth of July in Armagh, my son was assaulted punched during the home parade by a adult member of his own lodge for removing two Ukrainian flags that had been placed without the consent of the lodge on each side of the banner prior to the parade .

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Many people rightly sympathise with the people of Ukraine, but in what’s a very complex issue don’t sympathise with the leadership of the country, nor do they accept the narrative for the war that’s being perpetuated by the west.

How ironic that an Orangeman can place flags on the poles of his lodge banner in solidarity with Ukraine which is under assault from Putin, yet has no issue with himself about assaulting a lad in his own lodge.

What next? Black lives matter flags? LGBT flags? The Orange institution needs to prevent its banners from becoming propaganda billboards for personal political opinions or ideologies, and let the depictions on the banners speak for themselves.

Name and address supplied

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