Policing proposals will set precedent outside South Armagh, and are part of process to condition unionists for united Ireland

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Harry Patterson:

The proposals of the chief constable for the future of policing in south Armagh should be looked at as part of a bigger picture.

For example if Irish is to be used on signage in police stations and presumably on vehicles or uniforms in the area then why not across all of Northern Ireland?

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This would be one of the areas that the incoming Irish language commissioner would undoubtedly get their teeth into.

A commissioner agreed to by the DUP in order to get Sinn Fein to go back into Stormont.

Similarly if the Garda can patrol some areas of Northern Ireland then where is the limit to that – will the Garda be able to pursue a suspect vehicle from Cavan to Coleraine?

Who will command any joint patrols?

Who will they report to?

Can a Garda arrest someone in the UK jurisdiction?

If so to what police/Garda station will they be taken?

Which jurisdictions laws take precedent?

Policing board meets this Thursday – should be interesting I think.

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This is another part of a conditioning process of which the protocol is also part, a process to condition unionists that their future is not as part of the UK but part of a 32 county Ireland.

The fact that the DUP are implementing the protocol has sent a very clear signal that they and the UUP are weak and pliable and will never take a stand no matter what.

It remains to be seen what unionist politicians will do in regard to this, judging on past performance – not much.

Seems like Doug Beattie is already on board unsurprisingly.

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I predict the usual faux outrage from the DUP and then they will as usual roll over (again).

Small wonder the TUV is on the rise and will no doubt continue to rise.

Harry Patterson. Castlecaulfield

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