Republican terrorism is and always was self defeating, and made the community resolve never to bow to it

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor | Johnston Press Resell
Another potential blast from the past in the shape of a dissent bomb on its way to Scotland, to create division and possibly to remind England that Scotland and Northern Ireland said no to Brexit.

Should the bomb have gone off, the result would have been loss of life and not the downfall of democratic institutions.

There was not a hope in hell it was going to stop Brexit and would be unlikely to bring down re-establishment of devolution by itself.

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So why plant a bomb? So many bombs have been found and have not gone off that it seems as if we are living an era of potential threats. Reminders of the past and that the die-hards are still there.

Those who reject the peace process have not noticed that the old way of Provisional IRA terrorism never worked and was completely counter-productive.

The psychology of a terrorist can be one of self-hatred projected onto others for cathartic relief or just to be noticed.

Terrorists stand no chance of changing policy by blowing people to bits. On the contrary, they have only achieved in bringing people closer together.

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If anything, terrorism has strengthened the community and the bloodshed and mayhem has made it resolved never to bow to it. People will get on with their lives no matter how many are slain or die by terrorism.

It is understood that dissidents republicans are to blame for the recent bomb, but it will only take them further away from a united Ireland, not closer.

They are making sure the British army and police services stay in Northern Ireland, giving them work to dismantle their devices.

Maurice Fitzgerald, Co Cork