Seeking informaation on inherited items stolen from my home in north Belfast 30 years ago

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Peter Emerson:

From 1898 to 1902, my great uncle, the Reverend George Emerson, was a Church of Ireland priest in Bangor and then Donaghcloney.

Next, in 1907, he was a curate in St Luke’s, the Church of Ireland hospital for the terminally ill in Cork.

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On bidding farewell in 1911, he was given a set of silverware — a slaver, milk jug and sugar bowl — all of which were engraved, ‘In gratitude,’ for his work in ‘The Hospital for Incurable Protestants’.

Sadly, some thirty years ago, all three inherited items were stolen from my home in north Belfast.

If any of your readers have any knowledge of these memorabilia, perhaps they could get in touch.

Peter Emerson, Rhubarb Cottage, 36 Ballysillan Road, Belfast BT14

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A message from the Editor:

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