The alternative Covid religion has the intolerance and the superstition of old

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
Covid has been described as a new religion.

If you obey the government message it promises salvation. If you don’t you’re pronounced a heretic, given the last rites and cast out into the wilderness.

Shunned by family and friends who subscribe to the new faith and church doctrine, you’re now a member of a small sect outside the ‘established church’, on the margins of society.

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At the core of this new religion are government decrees, pronounced with apostolic authority, and you reject them on peril of your soul.

If you don’t conform and profess the “New Faith,” you’ll be denounced from the pulpit.

It’s a broad church, but if you’re a believer you must commit to their Confession of Faith. If you don’t they won’t cast you out, but they’ll make you sit at the back and seek repentance.

An alternative religion indeed, imbued with all the superstition and intolerance of the past.

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How long before they start rekindling the fires, and create martyrs?

Clive Maxwell, Bleary

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