The rioters are not loyalists, they are young delinquents

Rioters last week at the peace gates in Lanark Way in west Belfast, which were forced open. Picture PacemakerRioters last week at the peace gates in Lanark Way in west Belfast, which were forced open. Picture Pacemaker
Rioters last week at the peace gates in Lanark Way in west Belfast, which were forced open. Picture Pacemaker
A letter from Drew Mansell:

With deep regret at the passing of Prince Philip I am ashamed to see these rioting thugs causing so much hurt and distress described as loyalists.

The news media is wrong for giving the term loyalists to these out of control youngish delinquents,

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That have their fun in a very strange and expensive way at the cost of the taxpayer and most of all at the cost of the people and livelihood of this Northern Ireland

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

Drew Mansell, Raffrey, Co Down

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A message from the Editor:

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