The state has no right to dictate how, when, or where public worship is conducted by Christian churches

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
I wholeheartedly agree with Richard Ferguson’s letter {‘Free Presbyterian Church must be in a low state to wait meekly for permission from Stormont to resume public worship,’ June 30).

For it was indeed the Free Presbyterian ministers along with all ministers of various denominations and assembles who chose of their own free will to close the church doors.

This was certainly not a command from God, but a hasty decision made out of fear and panic.

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God allowed their faith to be tested and the faith of every believer who is truly born again. I am shocked and appalled how quickly and easily faith and trust in the Lord was swapped for masks and hand sanitisers.

Ministers boosting their egos by hiding indoors producing online sermons and holding drive in concert performances, while church buildings lay empty.

Now once again they allow themselves to be dictated to by Arlene Foster and Michelle O’Neill.

The same Michelle O’Neill whose blatant public display of affection and support for an IRA terrorist shows how low the churches have stooped. Yet they follow Foster and O’Neill’s rules and restrictions with such determination and enthusiasm with a total disregard for the one and only true Lord. What misplaced loyalty

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Christians need to be reminded that the state has no right to dictate how, when, or where public worship is conducted by the church. It is well past time ministers and elders realised that they ought to obey God rather than men (Acts 5 v29) if they did they would not meekly comply with the dictates of O’Neill and Foster to shut down worship nor would they tolerate the unbiblical doctrine and worship practices that prevail in most churches today.

Julie C Harris, Co Armagh

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