Troubles killers won’t escape justice in the end

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Lyle Cubitt:

No one should be surprised at the latest betrayal by the British Government as this has been their policy since 1972 with the honourable exception of the period Labour was in power and Lord Roy Mason was the Northern Ireland Secretary of State.

Surely the least requirement would have been that RUC records of those who carried out the murder campaign would be released so that the relatives would know the perpetrators of the vile deeds.

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The relief of the murderers should be tempered by the knowledge that there is still a judgment day which all must face and cannot avoid.

The eternal Judge will have the final say: to avoid that terrible judgment they should use this time to seek the true Saviour who was nailed to a cross.

Lyle Cubitt


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