Vote unionist, but do not do so out of fear of Sinn Fein

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Stanley Kerr:

This week I hurt a person that I love, by speaking abruptly to them. I am now being destroyed by a guilty conscience. I cannot understand how our politicians, who voted to kill disabled babies in the womb right up to the day of their birth, are able to live with their conscience.

As Mr John Austin wrote (‘Hypocritical MLAs claim to support disability rights yet vote to allow abortion of disabled babies,’ December 21, see link below) they then bragged about what a good thing this was.

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The bible tells us that God hates those who shed innocent blood and that it is our duty to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.

I agree with Fr Patrick McCafferty, on whom you wrote an article regarding his support for an anti-abortion election candidate in the upcoming election. Now is the time for us, who believe in Jesus and the word of God, to act and vote in line of Bible teachings.

As a person in favour on the union I will vote firstly for the TUV and then for Aontu. I would rather see two moral parties respecting all human life, including the unborn, in power and then they can argue about politics between themselves after that.

Stanley Kerr, Dungannon

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