We can help our own mental health by dwelling on things in our life for which we are tankful

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
In this time of doom and gloom when there is so much negative conversation and people are rightfully worried about the prospects of contracting the dreaded coronavirus it is also important that we step back from our negative thoughts and divert our mind to the other important positive things in our lives.

We can do this by building a roadblock on all negative thoughts especially in the late evening or nearing out time for sleep because if we go to sleep with such thoughts they will stay active and this will not only disturb our sleep but leave us waking with thoughts which will become an obsession for us.

One way which has been proven to have worked is to take a pen and write down three things that you are thankful for in your life, this could be, your health, your family your job or anything that you appreciate in your life, just dwell on these positive aspects for a few minutes and they will dispel your unwanted thoughts and leave you having better sleep and waking in a positive frame of mind.

Be grateful for the things we have in life and appreciate what we have because gratitude will make our life much richer.

Raymond McMahon, mental health nurse, Clogher