Wording reflects poorly on paper

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Daniel Waldron:

In an article regarding the decision not to light Stormont in remembrance of victims of terrorism (March 12), it was noted that the Parliament Buildings were illuminated “following the death of George Floyd while high on fentanyl and being subdued by police in Minnesota, USA, 3,700 miles away”.

I believe that the implication here is that George Floyd is a lesser class of victim than those killed by terrorism, and was almost deserving of his fate at the hands of police officers, having his neck knelt on for eight minutes and forty-six seconds, because he was a drug user.

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This comment ignores the institutional racism which underlies George Floyd’s killing, as well as the economic and social injustices in which drug abuse is rooted.

The publication of such a statement in a news piece reflects poorly on the News Letter.

Daniel Waldron. Omagh

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