Raymond McCord: Sinn Fein sends non sectarian unionists to the DUP

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
Mary Lou has just stampeded many ordinary non sectarian moderate unionists to rush to the DUP.

Clearly once again she has no respect for the Good Friday Agreement and the unionist people.

This is not the first time she has put her foot in her mouth, rather this time it’s both feet.

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Sinn Fein and the DUP both lack leadership and the party is becoming even more sectarian and anti-unionist.

It seems as if Mary Lou wants to portray herself “greener” than anyone previously in Sinn Fein. She needs, like Karen Bradley, to resign as both have shown no respect to the victims and people of this country.

Apology is not in Mary Lou’s vocabulary.

Arlene Foster badly needs support and Mary Lou has stupidly made Christmas come early for Arlene.

Who do the moderates in each community vote for? Orange v green doesn’t work.

Raymond McCord , North Belfast