'Outrage' at desecration of wreaths

Wreaths dumped in the riverWreaths dumped in the river
Wreaths dumped in the river
Outrage has been expressed at the "desecration of wreaths" at a memorial in Kilkeel.

In a Facebook post, Independent Unionist Councillor for Newry, Mourne and Down District Council, Henry Reilly, said he could not "believe that someone or some people went out of their way to desecrate the wreaths laid at the Police and combined services memorial in the early hours of this morning" at the lower Square, Kilkeel last night.

"I respectfully remind whoever carried out this despicable act that the memorial was created entirely by local people on a voluntary basis who gave freely of their time, labour and money," he added.

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"The names on the memorial reflect all of our society including Protestant, Catholic and other Innocents.

"It is not a political memorial but one that does nothing only respect those who lost their lives while keeping the rest of us safe."