Coronavirus: Ministers swap congregations for cameras during ‘most unusual’ Easter Sunday worship

Dean Stephen Forde of St Anne’s Cathedral in Belfast, singing hymns by himself on a video feedDean Stephen Forde of St Anne’s Cathedral in Belfast, singing hymns by himself on a video feed
Dean Stephen Forde of St Anne’s Cathedral in Belfast, singing hymns by himself on a video feed
Normal Easter Sunday worship was put into abeyance today, as ministers sung and delivered sermons in totally empty churches due to coronavirus fears.

But whilst pews were abandoned, many clerics had prepared webcams to allow their services to be beamed to smartphones and computer screens across the Province.

Dean Stephen Forde of Belfast’s St Anne’s Anglican Cathedral sang hymns, unaccompanied by a choir or instruments, and various segments of the broadcast were conducted while he was holding a small child.

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In his Easter message he said: “This morning you join us in one of the most unusual Easter celebrations that any of us have will have shared in...

Presbyterian Moderator Rev William Henry (in tie) interspersed his service with pre-recorded songsPresbyterian Moderator Rev William Henry (in tie) interspersed his service with pre-recorded songs
Presbyterian Moderator Rev William Henry (in tie) interspersed his service with pre-recorded songs

“We join together in the midst of a crisis. The coronavirus pandemic which has gripped the world.

“Today, people will be fighting for the lives of others in intensive care units across this country. Nurses and doctors and medical workers, many key workers will be putting their lives on the line so that others may be saved, so other may live for another day.”

St Anne’s Cathedral chapter clerk Rev Mark Niblock, in his own Easter message, beseeched God to watch over the Province’s NHS workers.

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“Bless all doctors and nurses who are called to care for the sick, especially those who suffer from the coronavirus,” he said.

The near-deserted scene at St Peter’s Roman Catholic Cathedral during today’s online serviceThe near-deserted scene at St Peter’s Roman Catholic Cathedral during today’s online service
The near-deserted scene at St Peter’s Roman Catholic Cathedral during today’s online service

“Help them always remember that they are fellow workers with you, and give them such patience, skill and love that they may bring healing and comfort to those whom they serve... Guard them in their work and watch over their families and loved ones.”Meanwhile Presbyterian Moderator Rev William Henry (of Maze Presbyterian Church) beamed out a service of his own, in which contemporary prayers were interspersed with pre-recorded musical numbers.

He told his online congregation: “Our father it is with a sense of joy and wonder that we come and we celebrate this wonderful Easter day. Very different from what we’ve done on past occasions when we’ve been physically present with one another.

“And yet Lord even in these strange times we still can celebrate the reality that Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead. So we thank you that the cross empty, the tomb is empty, death is defeated and we have hope.

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“Even [amid] negative experiences that we endure day and daily, everything is changed because of Jesus. We celebrate that redemption today.”

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