Julian Simmons backs Freemasons’ challenge to do something positive like bake a cake or write a letter

Julian Simmons is pictured with Provincial Grand Master John McLernon and Linda Robinson, Chief Executive of Age NI launching the initiative. Julian Simmons is pictured with Provincial Grand Master John McLernon and Linda Robinson, Chief Executive of Age NI launching the initiative.
Julian Simmons is pictured with Provincial Grand Master John McLernon and Linda Robinson, Chief Executive of Age NI launching the initiative.
The Freemasons of Antrim have partnered with Age NI and TV star Julian Simmons to launch a daily challenge designed to inspire positive actions every day leading to a happier, more fulfilled life for the 5,000 freemasons in the Antrim area, their family, friends and neighbours.

The project challenges people to complete a daily activity each day for two weeks, these include taking the time to write a letter to someone you can’t be with, planting in the garden or window box, baking or cooking something from scratch or even playing a game always enjoyed in the past.

Provincial Grand Master John McLernon said: “The ‘Freemasons Fortnight Challenge’ is a project that I hope we can all have a bit of fun with, setting ourselves daily challenges to help us continue to see the positives in life and look forward to brighter, more sociable days ahead.”

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Helping to launch the project and encourage people to get involved is TV star, Julian Simmons.

His father, a Freemason, passed away when he was just a young boy and Julian says the organisation reached out with the offer of help for his family at what was a very difficult time.

“When my father passed away, I was just 11 years old, he had been an active Freemason and loved attending his lodge meetings.

“The Freemasons immediately reached out to my family and offered great support emotionally, they also offered to support my education by offering me a place in the Freemasons school in Dublin. I choose to stay at home but I am grateful for what they offered.

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