Reported 280 Years Ago (July 1739): War with Spain is closer than ever

The News Letter of July 10 1739 (July 21 modern date)The News Letter of July 10 1739 (July 21 modern date)
The News Letter of July 10 1739 (July 21 modern date)
From the News Letter of July 10 1739 (July 21 modern date):

From the Leyden Gazetter of July 3.

Extract of a letter from London, June 30. N.S.

‘IT appears by all the warlike preparations making here that the differences between this court and Spain are become more serious than ever; nay, there is hardly any further room to doubt of a rupture between the two nations, an express having been sent away the 24th inst. to Madrid, with orders, as it is said, for Mr. Keene to leave that court.

‘It is likewise given out, that in the council held this day at Kensington they deliberated on the Declaration which is to be made to Don Thomas Geraldino, minister plenipotentiary from the king of Spain, concerning his excellency’s retiring, and the time to be allowed him for settling his affairs.

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‘It is pretended that orders have been sent to the earl of Waldegrave, the king’s ambassador at Paris, to represent to the French court, that since the court of Spain refuses to do justice to the crown and subjects of Great Britain, his majesty thinks himself obliged to take proper measures on that head; and that his majesty hoped, from the king of France’s equity, that his most Christian majesty would resolve upon a neutrality.’

[The above is in quotation marks, which suggests it is entirely from the Leyden Gazette, or a voice quoted in the Gazette. The below is not in quotation marks, so it seems to be an assessment of the news. As is usually the case in newspapers from that time, it is unclear who is providing the analysis. Leyden is a city in the Netherlands]

A neutrality is certainly the least we can expect from France [words unclear] for our forbearance when she and her [word unclear] were stripping the house of Austria without the [word unclear] justice on their side: but should France ever declare in favour of Spain, his majesty’s heroick [word unclear, might be temper] is not to be daunted by such a prospect, because it is evident that if the French ministers find that we stand in fear of the power of their monarchy they will improve that advantage to our utter ruin, by spiriting up almost every Power in Europe to insult us in their turn, when the most Christian court thinks proper.

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