Reported 280 Years Ago (June 1739): Published here – works of poetry from an ingenious reader

The Belfast News Letter of May 25 1739 (which is June 5 in the modern calendar)The Belfast News Letter of May 25 1739 (which is June 5 in the modern calendar)
The Belfast News Letter of May 25 1739 (which is June 5 in the modern calendar)
From the Belfast News Letter of May 25 1739 (which is June 5 modern date):

An ingenious correspondent has sent me some of his poetical pieces, and writes me has several more by him, and desires they may be inserted in my Paper, which I shall willingly do, as opportunity offers, and hope they will be agreeable to the Publick. --- Some of them are as follow, viz.

ANACREON’S second ODE imitated.

NATURE lavish of her store,

First gave to all some eminence:

Tusks to the lion and the bore,

And horses hoofs for their defence.

To bulls the goring horn she gave,

And swiftness to the trembling hare,

Fishes to skim the liquid wave,

And birds to fly aloft in air.

Courage and strength she gave to man,

And then her store was all assign’d,

Guess then mortals if you can,

What arms for woman she design’d.

To her she gave celestial charms,

Of greater force than spear and shield;

For that proud fair whom beauty arms,

To her both fire and sword must yield.


CHLOE, you fly me like a hind,

Seeking its dam thro’ desart groves,

Afraid of e’ry breath of wind,

That thro’ the silent forest moves.

If gentle Zephyrs in the spring,

Move but the tender leaves, you start,

If grasshoppers in brambles sing,

You tremble both at knees and heart.

But, charming, fair, don’t fly me so,

I don’t as lions you pursue,

Nor as the savage tyger; no,

My love is tender, therefore true.

No more torment your dying lover,

Nor waste in vain your blooming charms,

It’s time to wean you from your mother,

You’re fitter for a lover’s arms.


Mater sava cupidinum,

THE cruel mother of desires,

And Bacchus all my soul inspires,

While happy I at freedom rove,

To feel again the force of love.

Young Glycera is all my care,

Colder than snow, and yet more fair,

Like slippery ice, her beauty shun,

Who ventures, falls, and is undone

Venus forsaking Cyprus grove,

Brings her artillery of love,

To storm my heart, nor lets me write,

Of hardy Scythians brave in fight.

My muse rejects the Parthians bow,

Retorted when he flies the foe,

Nothing therein can claim a share,

But what’s relating to the fair.

Bring here a sod, with verdue crown’d,

Bring incence, let the bowl go round;

A victim being slain, I’ll find

My cruel maid not so unkind.

LONDON May 15.

On Saturday a great cause was tried before the court of King’s Bench, where his majesty and the parliament of England were plaintiffs, and Richard Whithed, Esq; as heir at law to the late Richard Norton, Esq; of Southwick in the county of Southampton, defendant.

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It was tried on two issues; first, whether the will of the said Richard Norton, Esq; was duly executed; and whether he was in his right senses when the said will was made.

After a hearing which lasted from nine o’clock on Saturday morning to four the next morning, the jury, being a special one, of gentlemen of the county of Hants, brought in for the defendant, being of opinion Mr. Norton was a lunatick at the making his will.

Yesterday the persons who gave evidence in the above cause set out of town with red cockades in their hats.

DUBLIN, May 22.

Last Sunday the right hon. the countess of Drogheda was safely delivered of a daughter.

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To be SOLD, by Publick CANT, to the best and fairest Bidders,

THE Library, Plate and houshold Furniture; consisting of Beds, Sconces, gilt Leather Chairs, Mohogeny Tables, Pictures, &c. lately belonging to the Rev. Dr. Thomas Squire, Rector of Coleraine.

The Cant to begin at his late Dwelling House at Coleraine, on Tuesday, the 29th of May, at Eleven o’Clock in the Forenoon, and to continue till all is sold.


WHEREAS several unruly stone Horses have of late been rode and led through the Streets of Belfast on the Market Days, in order to be let out to Mares, by which Practice many Children have been in imminent Danger of being kill’d or hurt, and the Inhabitants of the Place and others who use the Market are prejudiced.

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NOW this is to give Notice, that ROBERT BYRTT, Esq; Sown hath given Orders to the Serjeants at Mace to seize and detain all such stone Horses as they from time to time shall find so led or rode in any of the publick Streets, until each of the Owners do pay a British half Crown, and give Security not to do the like again.

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