Residents moved out of assisted living facility after fire started deliberately - one man arrested

Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service firefightersNorthern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service firefighters
Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service firefighters
Residents had to be moved out of an assisted living facility after a fire gutted one room in the south Belfast property.

Detectives investigating a fire at an assisted living facility in south Belfast have arrested a man.

Officers were notified of the fire this afternoon, Monday 8 June.

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Detective Sergeant O’Flaherty said: “We received a report of the fire, just after 1pm, at a property in the North Parade area of the city.

“Officers attended along with colleagues from Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service, who evacuated residents and extinguished the blaze.

“It’s believed the fire was started deliberately.

“And while, thankfully, there are no reports of any injuries, one room has been left gutted, with smoke damage caused to a neighbouring room.

“A 53-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of arson with intent to endanger life. He remains in custody at this time, assisting with enquiries.

“Our enquiries continue, and I would appeal to anyone with information to contact detectives on 101 quoting reference number 754 of 08/06/20.”

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