Thought for the week: Moulding us all in the likeness of Jesus Christ - ​Rev Arthur Clarke

Rev Arthur ClarkeRev Arthur Clarke
Rev Arthur Clarke
American painter James McNeill Whistler,(1834-1903), while a highly significant artist, was a cantankerous man in his personal dealings often leading to law suits.

Once, Whistler painted a picture to order and charged the man requesting the painting £750 sterling, The painting was quite small and the client objected to the price and refused to pay. A lawsuit followed. The customer's counsel, while questioning Whistler, learned that he completed the painting in 25 minutes. "What?", said the lawyer. "£750 for twenty five minutes' work".. Whistler calmly replied: "No, Sir, £750 for the experience of a lifetime." Whistler did not achieve his artistic greatness by casually pursuing his craft, but by attention to detail rigorously practiced year after year.

Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote: "We are what we repeatedly do; excellence therefore is not an act, but a habit.". In common parlance, excellence is not a lucky break, but a daily honed discipline.

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The truth is seen in career excellence. The Biblical book of Proverbs asserts: "Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings (Proverbs 22, verse 29)..

It is a theological commonplace that God gives talents to each as He choses, yet the development of such gifts is our obligation, Nineteenth century English novelist George Elliot once wrote: "Even God could not make Antonio Stradivarii's violins without Antonio".

The truth is seen also in the growth of Christ-likeness in character. A contemporary convention preacher contends: "Even when we can cite chapter and verse for creation, corruption, predestination, election, regeneration, justification, adoption, vocation and glorification, the test of discipleship remains incomplete; we must still deal with the crucial question of our likeness to the Master who is both gentle and humble in heart.

St Paul, in his correspondence to Timothy, outlined his belief in the inspiration of scripture and many who quote him as an authority in this doctrine, ofen omit the next point the Apostle makes. Scripture is inspired not that we can use it to spiritually club our opposition, but rather that its impact is to mould us in the likeness of Christ.