Troubles victims issue invitation to Stormont protest tomorrow

Kenny DonaldsonKenny Donaldson
Kenny Donaldson
A victims’ umbrella group is set to hold a demonstration at Stormont tomorrow in protest at the government’s de facto amnesty plans.

Innocent Victims United (IVU), made up of dozens of smaller individual support groups, will gather at 11am outside Parliament Buildings.

There they will hand over of a letter of protest to a Northern Ireland Office official.

But the group will also target the main churches too.

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Its statement said that among the banners they expect to display is one saying: “Churches – live out the Gospel message. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

Last week, the Presbyterian Church (by far the biggest Protestant denomination on the island) had issued a statement that neither explicitly endorsed nor rejected the government’s statute of limitations plan, saying only that it will “make fuller comment at a later stage as part of the ongoing engagement”.

IVU spokesman Kenny Donaldson (pictured) said the group welcomes anyone affected by “terrorism and other Troubles-related criminal violence, who subscribes to our ethos and core principles, to join with us on Thursday morning”.

He added: “And for those who are veterans (whether police, military or Prison Service) and who would wish to wear your blazers with honour then please do so on this day and illustrate to the UK government and others that you stand by and for the principles of natural justice, fairness, equality and opposition to all criminal violence”.

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