Veteran loyalist Ken Wilkinson passes away

Ken Wilkinson.Ken Wilkinson.
Ken Wilkinson.
Veteran loyalist, Ken Wilkinson, has passed away after a long illness.

A former member of the paramilitary organisation, the UVF, Mr. Wilkinson spoke to the News Letter in June last year.

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Leading loyalist Ken Wilkinson vows: No paramilitary trappings at my funeral

Mr. Wilkinson discussed sectarian divisions within Northern Ireland and condemned loyalists involved in drug dealing.

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More recently, Mr. Wilkinson was a representative for the Progressive Unionist Party (PUP) which played a part in the formation of the Belfast Agreement in 1998.

The Blackpool Somme Society, with whom Mr. Wilkinson was a supporter and associate of, described him as a "true gentleman".

"On behalf of the officers and members of Blackpool Somme Society, we would like to pass on our deepest condolences to the family circle of Ken Wilkinson who sadly passed away this morning.

"It was a pleasure to call him a friend, always supported our annual function and as a guest speaker always spoke from his heart, a true Gentleman who will be missed by us all here in Blackpool, rest easy soldier your duty is done. God bless."


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