Weekend motorists asked to show ‘patience and respect’ as hundreds of families go to the north coast when sun shines

North Coast yesterday Picture McAuley MultimediaNorth Coast yesterday Picture McAuley Multimedia
North Coast yesterday Picture McAuley Multimedia
Police Causeway Coast and Glens issued a warning over social media at the weekend asking motorists to expect traffic queues as the temperature rose over NI.

In their post they say: “It’s likely to be another busy one on the North Coast this weekend and if the weather is good then we can expect an uplift in visitors.

“In response to concerns from local residents regarding traffic issues we will be running an operation in Portrush on Sunday.

“Here’s what you need to know:

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THOUSANDS of people flocked to the North Coast on saturday soaking up
sunshine on the sand as temperatures soared across Northern Ireland.Picture McAuley MultimediaTHOUSANDS of people flocked to the North Coast on saturday soaking up
sunshine on the sand as temperatures soared across Northern Ireland.Picture McAuley Multimedia
THOUSANDS of people flocked to the North Coast on saturday soaking up sunshine on the sand as temperatures soared across Northern Ireland.Picture McAuley Multimedia

Traffic delays are inevitable but we are doing what we can along with our partners to minimise disruption

• We will be in the area from early doors to keep traffic moving as best we can however your best option is make full use of public transport to make your journey hassle-free

• Anti-social driving and reckless driving will not be tolerated (and don’t even think about cruising along to the Port in a car that’s not fit for purpose)

• Show respect for local residents, businesses, and the wider community by being considerate about where you park

• Above all, have a safe and enjoyable day!


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In a Tweet they added: “Police are asking people visiting the North Coast this weekend to ensure they park their vehicles in a responsible manner so as not to cause obstructions to other road users or local residents.

“Please also be patient as there may be tail-backs due to the volume of traffic”.

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