Police attacked with '˜bricks and fireworks'

The PSNI posted this image showing damage caused by young people throwing bricks and fireworksThe PSNI posted this image showing damage caused by young people throwing bricks and fireworks
The PSNI posted this image showing damage caused by young people throwing bricks and fireworks
Police officers came under attack from young people throwing bricks and fireworks in the Newry area on Sunday night as they responded to 'a call for assistance from the community'.

Police warned: “This behaviour needs to stop”.

Appealing for information about the attack, a police spokesperson wrote on the PSNI Newry Facebook page: “As police officers we come to work each day to answer calls from the local community who need help.

“Last night officers from ‘A’ section were conducting enquiries following a call for assistance from the community.

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“As the two police vehicles left the Carnagat area they were attacked by a number of young people throwing bricks and fireworks.”

Continuing, the police spokesperson said: “This caused danger to the officers involved and also to the local residents a number of whom were in the area going about their normal business.

“Due to the wreckless nature of those involved a police car has been taken out of service due to the damage caused.

“This behaviour could have caused serious injury not only to the police officers involved but also to the local community.

“This behaviour needs to stop.

“If you have any information contact 101 reference 1415 24/9/17.”