Police charge man over drugs found in Belgium

An image of cannabis plantsAn image of cannabis plants
An image of cannabis plants
A 40-year-old man is due to appear at Strabane Magistrates Court on charges linked to the seizure of £64,000 worth of cannabis in Belgium.

The herbal cannabis was seized in Belgium as part of a joint operation between the PSNI and the National Crime Agency.

In a statement, detective inspector Tom McClure, from Reactive and Organised Crime Branch, said: “As a result of the seizure, detectives searched a house in Castlederg yesterday [Tuesday] and arrested a 40-year-old man.

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“He will appear in court on four charges, including attempted importation of a class B drug and attempted possession with intent to supply a class B drug.

“Anyone involved in the importation and supply of illegal drugs can expect to be pursued by police and brought before the courts.”

He is due to appear in court on Wednesday morning.

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