Bobby Storey funeral: ‘Provo power’ - outrage as it emerges Bobby Storey was not buried in Milltown Cemetery

Members of the Storey family carry the coffin of senior Irish Republican and former leading IRA figure Bobby Storey ahead of his funeral at St Agnes' Church in west Belfast. (Photo: PA Wire)Members of the Storey family carry the coffin of senior Irish Republican and former leading IRA figure Bobby Storey ahead of his funeral at St Agnes' Church in west Belfast. (Photo: PA Wire)
Members of the Storey family carry the coffin of senior Irish Republican and former leading IRA figure Bobby Storey ahead of his funeral at St Agnes' Church in west Belfast. (Photo: PA Wire)
There is outrage in Northern Ireland this morning after it was revealed that the coffin containing the body of veteran republican Bobby Storey was not interred in Milltown cememtery but taken to a crematorium instead

Mr. Storey’s funeral took place on Tuesday during which thousands of people lined the streets of west Belfast as the funeral cortege made its way from St Agnes’s Church to Milltown Cemetery.

Traditional Unionist Voice (TUV) leader, Jim Allister, described the funeral as “Provo Power” and said Belfast City Council have questions to answer.

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“The revelation that in addition to a PSNI facilitated glorification event at the Republican plot in the cemetery, Belfast City Council abdicated control of Roselawn to Sinn Fein/IRA stewards, adds a whole new dimension to the Bobby Storey saga,” declared Mr. Allister.

“If, as now appears, the funeral went to the cemetery only to facilitate an IRA terror fest, then, not only has the PSNI questions to answer as to why, having consulted with the ‘organisers’ they facilitated such a stunt, but the City Council must account for why regular staff were sent home from Roselawn, other families inconvenienced and the Provisional elite given the run of the crematorium and area.

“Crematorium COVID rules prohibit attendance by mourners, but here, again, Sinn Fein was exempted from the rules applicable to everyone else.”

Mr. Allister added: “How did this happen? Did Sinn Fein councillors deliver this special treatment?

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“The more that emerges the clearer it is that this was not just an orchestrated breach of the COVID regulations, but a show of Provo Power reaching across the city.”


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