Council row over plan to hold Armed Forces Day in Belfast

An Armed Forces Day parade in Lisburn last yearAn Armed Forces Day parade in Lisburn last year
An Armed Forces Day parade in Lisburn last year
A DUP proposal to celebrate Armed Forces Day in Belfast has run into opposition from Sinn Fein on the city council.

At this week’s remote meeting of Belfast City Council, DUP Councillor Dale Pankhurst forwarded the motion that the council agrees to bid for National Armed Forces Day to be held in Belfast in June 2022. The motion was seconded by PUP Councillor Billy Hutchinson.

Armed Forces Day, formerly Veteran’s Day, is an annual event held in late June to commemorate the service of personnel in the armed forces past and present. It was first held in 2006, and was held remotely this year.

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At the council meeting, Sinn Fein councillor Ciaran Beattie asked for a point of order before councillor Pankhurst spoke on the motion.

Councillor Beattie said: “Not only is this probably the most stupid and daft motion that ever came to the council, I think it actually breaches the code of conduct – article number 30, which is on offensive expression.

“We’re 30 years after the Hume/Adams talks, we’re 26 years on from the first IRA ceasefire, and we’ve had a quarter of a century of peace building in this country, where we’re trying to reach out and build bridges.

“What we have here is a motion from the DUP wanting to march armed British soldiers through the streets of Belfast. If that is not divisive I don’t know what is.”

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He added: “Many in the city will feel this is an offensive display, that it is unnecessary, that it will divide the city. It is unwanted, and it certainly won’t be supported by us.”

DUP Councillor Dale Pankhurst said: “I wasn’t going to say anything on this, because obviously it is being referred, and I’m not going to play into Sinn Fein’s hands by having it what they want it to be, a divisive issue. But at the end of the day, our armed forces do a sterling job, right across the globe.

“For example, the Royal Irish Regiment are currently deployed to Cyprus as part of the UN peacekeeping mission. Right back to the Great War, and throughout the Second World War in the fight against fascism and subsequent conflicts, our armed forces have been at the fore of defending democracy and freedom.

“I’ll not be taking any lectures from Sinn Fein about human rights or anything like that.”

A council officer said the motion would be equality screened if required.

It was referred to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee for consideration on September 18.