Sinn Fein using bilingual road signs as ‘political football’

Sinn Fein Councillor Keith Haughian with the bilingual roadsigns the party erected in the Armagh, Banbridge and Craiganon Borough Counil area.Sinn Fein Councillor Keith Haughian with the bilingual roadsigns the party erected in the Armagh, Banbridge and Craiganon Borough Counil area.
Sinn Fein Councillor Keith Haughian with the bilingual roadsigns the party erected in the Armagh, Banbridge and Craiganon Borough Counil area.
Sinn Fein has been accused of using the Irish language as “a political football” after bilingual street signs were erected across the Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon area.

The signs, stating ‘Slow Go Mall’, were erected by various Sinn Fein councillors and were described as road safety signs by the party.

However, DUP Cllr Darryn Causby accused Sinn Fein of using the Irish language as a political football, saying: “Sinn Fein were complaining several weeks ago about what they called ‘divisive’ banners.

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“We know in this country that nothing has been made more divisive by Sinn Fein than the Irish language. Whilst I am not offended by the Irish language, the way it is being used and has been politicised, has made it a very divisive thing.

“Essentially I view this as a Sinn Fein stunt, because that is what it is, a political stunt. I view it as an attempt by Sinn Fein to mark out territory to say, ‘this is our area, this is Irish, this is who lives here and if you don’t agree with us’, I think it is designed to make the place more uncomfortable for those who don’t see it as part of their culture.

“It is a sad attempt by them to further politicise and polarise the issue of the Irish language which is a rich part of the culture of one section of the community.”

DUP Cllr Lavelle McIlwrath said: “The truth is if Sinn Fein were serious about road safety in these areas the signage would include Portugese, Lithuanian and scores of other languages that the majority of residents in the area could understand.”

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A Sinn Féin spokesperson said: “This is a road a safety issue and if Councillor Lavelle McIlwrath has a problem with this then he should catch himself on.

“The only people using the Irish language as a political football is the DUP.”