David McNarry: We need a New Northern Ireland, not Ireland

Letters to EditorLetters to Editor
Letters to Editor
On Brexit, the Irish don't act as friendly neighbours, more like interfering hostile foes.

Northern Irelanders — that’s who we are — realise that Protestant or Catholic or whatever we are better together.

Stronger, happier and determined together to build a new Northern Ireland.

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Witness a pan nationalism insulting us Northern Irelanders with their overtures to come into the parlour of a New Ireland.

Do not be fooled by this invitation to switch your homestead. Buy Mary Lou and you get Colum free is the bandwagon trumpeting this erroneous New Ireland bid.

Their use of recent number crunching predicting a Roman Catholic majority by 2021 is given impetus by Sinn Fein.

Unionism concluded long ago that a sectarian headcount had left the landscape. Shame on SF for introducing it.

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Years ago there was an election poster ‘6 into 26 won’t go’. It still doesn’t go.

So come on, Northern Irelanders pull together. Nothing will infiltrate our determination to stay in the UK. The leaders of corporate unionism should lay out plans for a New Northern Ireland.

David McNarry, Comber