DUP and Health Minister Robin Swann 'failing women' with abortion bill amendment says Michelle O'Neill

Sinn vice-president and Mid Ulster MLA, Michelle O'Neill.Sinn vice-president and Mid Ulster MLA, Michelle O'Neill.
Sinn vice-president and Mid Ulster MLA, Michelle O'Neill.
Sinn Fein vice-president and Mid Ulster MLA, Michelle O'Neill, has accused both the DUP and Health Minister, Robin Swann, of "failing woman" when it comes to compassionate healthcare.

Ms. O'Neill, who was speaking in her capacity as an MLA when she made the comments, also said Sinn Fein would be abstaining when the time comes to vote for the bill.

“Women are entitled to modern and compassionate health care," said Ms. O'Neill.

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“The sponsor of the bill is focused on rolling back the legislation," she added.

Ms. O'Neill went on to accuse the DUP of "attempting to reopen a debate" concerning abortion in Northern Ireland.

“This is the thin end of the wedge and attempting to reopen a debate that has already been had around women’s health care provision.

“I am here to give a voice to those women who find themselves in incredibly difficult and very vulnerable circumstances.”

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Northern Ireland's abortion law changed significantly last year when legislation was passed through Westminster.

The new legislation allows for abortion in all circumstances up to 12 weeks however there is no time limit for when a woman can seek an abortion if fatal foetal abnormality or when there has been a diagnosis of a serious physical or mental impairment that would cause a serious disability.

Abortions are also permitted up to 24 weeks if there is a risk to a woman's physical and mental health.

If passed, the new law, which has been proposed by DUP MLA Paul Givan, would prevent women seeking an abortion in the event of a non-fatal disabilities.

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DUP MLA, Joanne Bunting, described the current legislation as "regressive and discriminatory" against the disabled.

"If disabled people are equal outside the womb then they should be equal inside the womb."

She added: "Mr. Speaker, none of us how long we are here for but I know that for as long as I am here I will continue to stand up for the unborn and stand-up for the disabled."

The debate continues.


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