EU is doing ‘everything it can’ to avoid suspending the NI Protocol Sefcovic tells outgoing BBC man Andrew Marr

Maros Sefcovic and (inset) Andrew MarrMaros Sefcovic and (inset) Andrew Marr
Maros Sefcovic and (inset) Andrew Marr
European Commission vice-president Maros Sefcovic said the EU was doing “everything possible” to avoid the triggering of Article 16.

He made the comments on today’s edition of Andrew Marr’s weekly political round-up show.

Mr Sefcovic said: “We had a change of tone in the discussions over the last week, which I really appreciate.

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“Also our discussion of these practical issues like for example medicines was more constructive than before.

“So it’s a decision of the UK Government.

“We are doing everything possible to avoid it because of course, it will have serious consequences, first and foremost for the people in the Northern Ireland but also for the EU/UK relations, and therefore I want to stay on this positive term.”

European Commission vice-president Maros Sefcovic has said “political posturing and bringing… new problems to the table” will not help solve the issues with the Northern Ireland Protocol.

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He said that “if there is a genuine problem” with the protocol, “we can find the solutions” but the two sides had to work together.

Mr Sefcovic was asked why he could not accept proposals that goods which were not going to leave Northern Ireland could be treated in one way, while goods that may cross into the Republic were handled differently.

He said: “Would the UK accept not to have the overview of what’s coming to the UK market? Would they accept it? I don’t think so.

“And you just simply have to understand that if something is coming to the EU single market that we have to have an overview.”

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He said the EU had already proposed “gestures and solutions” from their side but added: “We cannot undo the Brexit, especially the type as the UK has proposed it, negotiated it, and signed the agreement up on it with us.”

Today’s Andrew Marr show is one of the last, as the presenter gets set to shortly leave the BBC for London network LBC.



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