Inevitable that nationalists lose a border poll on both sides of the border, says DUP MLA

DUP MLA Alex Easton said nationalists would lose a referendumDUP MLA Alex Easton said nationalists would lose a referendum
DUP MLA Alex Easton said nationalists would lose a referendum
A DUP MLA has claimed that nationalists would “inevitably” lose a referendum on Irish unity on both sides of the border – but has nevertheless argued against such a plebiscite being called.

Alex Easton accused Sinn Fein of having “only one interest” in securing such a vote, and claimed it “has become an obsession and is detrimental to all other important issues such as health, education and transport”.

The North Down MLA accepted that “one day there might be a border poll called by a future secretary of state”. However, setting out similar rhetoric to that of Arlene Foster several years ago when she flirted with supporting a border poll before firmly opposing it, he said that “a defeat in any potential border poll on the subject of a united Ireland is inevitable from both the people of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, and will probably put an end to the argument for generations to come if not forever”.

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Mr Easton said that such a referendum would be fought on issues such as the economy, education and healthcare.

The DUP veteran, who stood for Westminster last year, also cited free prescriptions as a benefit of the Union which is not the case south of the border, alongside a charge of up to €750 to call out the fire service in the Republic, charges for using an ambulance, and bills for visiting a GP.

Mr Easton predicted that people on both sides of the border “when push comes to shove will never agree to a situation where their standard of living would be so badly affected that they would be the poor man of Europe”.

He urged Sinn Fein to “concentrate on delivering for everyone in Northern Ireland as that is the only realistic path they have, and the sooner they tell the truth to their community the better our society will be for everyone”.


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