Lyra McKee funeral anniversary: Clergymen praise Arlene Foster and Michelle O’Neill’s work together during pandemic

Lyra McKee’s funeral was held on April 24 last yearLyra McKee’s funeral was held on April 24 last year
Lyra McKee’s funeral was held on April 24 last year
The clergymen who led the funeral of murdered journalist Lyra McKee have praised Arlene Foster and Michelle O’Neill for working together during the coronavirus crisis.

At the funeral, exactly one year ago today, Northern Ireland’s politicians were publicly challenged to put aside their differences and bring an end to the long Stormont deadlock.

Now, Fr Martin Magill and Rev Stephen Forde, who led the service, said the first and deputy first minister’s work together during the current pandemic is a “fitting tribute” to the murdered 29-year-old journalist.

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Ms McKee was shot dead while observing a riot in the Creggan estate in Londonderry on April 18 last year.

At her funeral, Fr Magill challenged political leaders with the words: “Why in God’s name does it take the death of a 29-year-old woman with her whole life in front of her ... to get us to this point?”

Fr Magill and Rev Forde, dean of Belfast, have issued a joint statement to mark the one-year anniversary since the funeral.

“As news of Lyra’s death was relayed across our land and across the world on Good Friday morning, there was a deep sense of dread that the community was sliding back into a downward spiral of violence and murder,” the clergymen said.

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“At the request of Lyra’s family, we were privileged to lead Lyra’s funeral service in St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast, one year ago, on 24th April, 2019.

“It was an emotionally charged service for all who attended, including the Irish president and taoiseach, the British prime minister and the leader of the opposition.

“Also in attendance were the leaders of all the political parties in Northern Ireland – then deadlocked in their inability to re-establish the Northern Ireland Assembly.”

The two church men continued: “Today, one year on, and in the midst of the coronavirus crisis, we want to commend the First Minister Arlene Foster and Deputy First Minister Michelle O’Neill, along with the British and Irish governments, for seizing the moment of Lyra’s funeral to find a way to re-establish the power-sharing Executive at Stormont.

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“Their working together, along with the Executive ministers, health professionals and ordinary people from every background, has been essential to support this community through this unprecedented coronavirus crisis.

“Their working partnership is a fitting tribute to Lyra, whose passion was to bring together people who think they are divided.”

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