McDonald tells unionists to
‘walk on journey’ to unity

SF president Mary Lou McDonald during her address at the Easter Rising commemoration event at Milltown Cemetery in BelfastSF president Mary Lou McDonald during her address at the Easter Rising commemoration event at Milltown Cemetery in Belfast
SF president Mary Lou McDonald during her address at the Easter Rising commemoration event at Milltown Cemetery in Belfast
The leader of Sinn Fein has sought “partnership” with unionists to help realise the party’s objective of achieving a united Ireland.

Mary Lou McDonald said unionists must have an “equal part” in building what she described as a new Ireland.

Ms McDonald made the comments during an Easter commemoration to mark 106 years since the 1916 Rising.

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Addressing a large crowd that assembled in Milltown Cemetery in Belfast yesterday, Ms McDonald urged unionists to “walk this journey with us”.

“To those of a unionist tradition I say sincerely, we seek partnership with you,” she added.

“A future of equality and freedom belongs to you. A future of progress and change belongs to you. A future of prosperity and opportunity belongs to you.

“It is not for anybody to invite you in; that future is already yours. It is about you, it is of you, it is for you.

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“British government after British government has disrespected and failed you, time and again.

“Imagine instead the liberating possibility of full freedom to make all decisions here, in a parliament here, for the people who live here.

“Instead of a government in London turning its back on you, imagine an Ireland where your place is assured and your rights are enshrined in law.

“Where who you are is woven into the very fabric of who we all are, a people as one in all our diversity.

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“An Ireland finally taking its place again as part of the European family and amongst the nations of the world, ready to realise all of our potential.

“In that spirit, in that belief, there is no limit to what we can achieve together.

“Walk this journey with us. This is the decade of opportunity where we have the freedom to determine our future. There is so much to gain.”

Ms McDonald reiterated her calls to prepare for Irish unity.

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During the commemoration wreaths were laid for various groups, including the National Graves Association and the GAA.

This was followed by the laying of single lilies by young people.

A minute’s silence was held for those who died during the 1916 rising, followed by a musician playing a lament.

The Proclamation was read by Roseleen Walsh.

Addressing the forthcoming Northern Ireland Assembly election, Ms McDonald said that if Sinn Fein emerges as the largest party, it will nominate Michelle O’Neill as first minister.

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She told the crowd that there is “not an office” off-limits or the “sole preserve of one group”.

“Those days are gone and good riddance,” Ms McDonald added.

“After the votes are counted, the Sinn Fein team will go back to the Assembly ready to do business, ready to roll up our sleeves and get to work for the people.

“We want to do this in partnership with others. We will work with everyone to make politics a success.

“Democracy must prevail on terms set by the people, not by the DUP or by anyone else.

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“The democratic test for the leaders of political unionism will be if they accept the will of the people.

“I hope they do. I hope they do not repeat the mistakes of the past.

“Now is the time for an Executive that is focused on delivery and the future, and which embraces the values of partnership over division.”