New taoiseach slammed after no NI nominations to Senead

Newly elected Cabinet of the 33rd Dail meet for their first cabinet meeting in Dublin Castle on Saturday, Taoiseach Micheal Martin (centre), Tanaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Leo Varadkar (left) and Minister for Climate Action, Communications Networks and Transport Eamon Ryan (right).Newly elected Cabinet of the 33rd Dail meet for their first cabinet meeting in Dublin Castle on Saturday, Taoiseach Micheal Martin (centre), Tanaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Leo Varadkar (left) and Minister for Climate Action, Communications Networks and Transport Eamon Ryan (right).
Newly elected Cabinet of the 33rd Dail meet for their first cabinet meeting in Dublin Castle on Saturday, Taoiseach Micheal Martin (centre), Tanaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Leo Varadkar (left) and Minister for Climate Action, Communications Networks and Transport Eamon Ryan (right).
There has been stinging criticism of the new taoiseach’s nominees to the Seanad after no one from Northern Ireland was nominated to the upper house of the Irish parliament on Saturday.

Micheal Martin announced his 11 nominations to the Seanad with no place for the independent unionist Ian Marshall, who said he was “astonished” at Northern Ireland’s exclusion.

Mr Marshall, who in 2018 became the first unionist elected to the Seanad, dismissed the new Irish government’s commitment to a shared island as a “farce”.

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He told the BBC: “This a huge missed opportunity and sends a very clear message to the unionist community that they have no role play down south.

“How can you have a shared island if you only talk to yourself?

“The three party leaders all talked about change and renewal and yet they turn their backs on unionists and any talk of a shared island is just a farce. “I am very worried about the message that this sends out to the unionist community.”

Former social protection minister Regina Doherty and traveller rights activist Eileen Flynn were among the nominees, who included a record number of women.

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NI campaigner Emma DeSouza, who was tipped for a place, said she was dealt “a heavy blow” when she found out she was not included.

She said: “I had hoped to be successful in obtaining a nomination to the Seanad as an independent that represents the Good Friday Agreement; instead, no-one from the North was appointed.”

She added: “Taoiseach Micheal Martin did confirm on Saturday that there will be a newly formed unit within the department of an Taoiseach to work towards a consensus on a shared island, but this announcement was followed by the row-back on a Northern nomination, immediately undercutting the concept of a shared island and reigniting fears that we in the North will be left behind.”

Sinn Fein president Mary Lou McDonald said at least one person from Northern Ireland should have been selected.

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“When Ian Marshall came into the Seanad, we supported his nomination. I think people were taken aback by that but I think it is important that northern society is represented within the Oireachtas,” she told BBC NI Sunday Politics.

“I also think it is important that people from a Unionist tradition are included. So that is a disappointment.”

Ms McDonald said Sinn Fein has two Senators from Northern Ireland in the current Seanad.

“It is very important that national politics is reflected in the Oireachtas so the new Government have a unit in the Taoiseach’s department about a shared island … Well, they’re not off to a very good start in that regards. In my view they should have made at least one appointment from the North.”

Fianna Fáil leader Mr Martin was elected taoiseach on Saturday. He leads a three-party coalition government consisting of Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael and the Green Party.