Peadar Tóibín: Time is running out to stop abortion

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Letter to the editor
In the south, since abortion has been deregulated, the number of lives ended annually has increased from 3,500 a year to an expected 11,000 abortions this year.

Investment in improving maternity services has been cut to fund the abortions and a healthy unborn child was misdiagnosed as having a “fatal foetal abnormality” and was aborted.

The new primacy of access to abortion does not allow people to challenge the new regime. Soon the most extreme abortion regime in Europe will be imposed on the north of Ireland against the wishes of the people of the north.

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It will be legal to abort a fully formed living human up to 28 weeks for any reason whatsoever.

Abortion will be legal for disability or if the unborn child is female. Dangerously for mother and child, abortion will be legal without any medical involvement at all. Abortion without pain relief for the unborn child will be legal. Children will be able to procure an abortion without the knowledge of their parents.

Partial-birth abortion will be legal and there is confusion with regard to what right to conscientious objection, if any, will exist for medical staff. All of the above happens in countries with this type of regime. It is naïve to think that it won’t happen here.

Because of the political cartel that exists in the north of Ireland most of the representatives of the people are silent. Not all are, to be fair.

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Some within Sinn Féin and the SDLP who lobbied hard for Westminster to legislate directly on abortion have since welcomed it with open arms. Once upon a time Sinn Féin stated loud and clear that London had no business legislating for Ireland. That day is gone.

The SDLP leadership has also flipped on whether or not, all living individual human beings should have human rights. The younger, ambitious politicians in the SDLP hungry for career opportunity know when to stay quiet.

The DUP had the opportunity to prevent this law when they held the balance of power in Westminster, yet they did nothing.

We in Aontú believe that everyone should have the right to life. We believe that we are all equal no matter how small or weak we are.

Peadar Tóibín TD, leader of Aontú, Co Meath

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