Edwin Poots still keen on South Down and won’t return to Lagan Valley

Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots.

Picture: Jonathan Porter/PressEyeAgriculture Minister Edwin Poots.

Picture: Jonathan Porter/PressEye
Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots. Picture: Jonathan Porter/PressEye
Having failed in his attempt to become an election candidate in South Down, Edwin Poots is unlikely to return to Lagan Valley to contest his current Assembly seat, it is understood.

On Friday night party officers selected Diane Forsythe as the DUP candidate for South Down, ahead of Agriculture Minister Mr Poots (pictured), who was attempting to switch to the constituency.

A source close to Mr Poots said that he is unlikely now to return to seek the nomination in Lagan Valley and will instead look to the party’s executive to overturn the recommendation made in South Down.

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Meanwhile, DUP MLA Jim Wells, who has been deselected by the party, said he would not rule out running against Ms Forsythe if she is endorsed by the party executive.

Mr Wells has expressed confidence that the party executive will overturn the decision and install Mr Poots as the candidate.

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