Reopening of most NI shops on Friday ‘huge step in the right direction’

Happy shoppers leave Debenhams with a purchase as the store in Belfast’s CastleCourt reopened yesterdayHappy shoppers leave Debenhams with a purchase as the store in Belfast’s CastleCourt reopened yesterday
Happy shoppers leave Debenhams with a purchase as the store in Belfast’s CastleCourt reopened yesterday
The reopening of all shops in Northern Ireland on Friday, with the exception of indoor shopping centres, has been hailed as a “huge step in the right direction”.

That was the verdict of Belfast Chamber chief executive Simon Hamilton after the announcement was made this afternoon.

At the beginning of lockdown, the only shops allowed to open were those deemed essential such as supermarkets and pharmacies.

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But certain non-essential retailers with room for social distancing, such as car showrooms or smaller shops with an outdoor space for customers to queue, were allowed to open today.

Economy Minister Diane Dodds was in Belfast city centre to announce the reopening of most shops this FridayEconomy Minister Diane Dodds was in Belfast city centre to announce the reopening of most shops this Friday
Economy Minister Diane Dodds was in Belfast city centre to announce the reopening of most shops this Friday

The latest move, announced by Economy Minister Diane Dodds, removes restrictions for all retailers but those found in indoor shopping centres.

Mrs Dodds said: “This is a major step forward today but there is more work to do and I will continue to work to progress the recovery.”

Welcoming the news, Mr Hamilton said: “This is really great news for all of those retailers in Belfast and right across our region who have been closed now for close to three months.

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“Belfast Chamber has been pressing the Executive to set a date for the safe reopening of the sector, so we wholeheartedly welcome today’s announcement as another huge step in the right direction.”

He added: “Many retailers have been working hard over the last number of weeks to get their stores ready to reopen in ways that ensure staff and customer safety and it is great that many more will be able to implement those plans and get going again.”

Retail NI chief executive Glynn Roberts said the easing of restrictions on shops represents a “major step forward for rebooting our economy as a whole”.

He added: “There is a long and hard road ahead for our local economy, but I have no doubt our retail sector will be at the cutting edge of this recovery.

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“While we have made good progress on reopening the retail sector, we need to ensure that our high streets are safe and compliant with medical guidance in order to fully reassure consumers.

“Retail NI has written to the Executive to ask ministers to establish a High Street and Retail Advisory Group to ensure the Executive can move forward with the safe reopening of our town and city centres alongside this retail reopening plan.

“This will no doubt involve the repurposing and reimaging of public spaces to accommodate queuing customers as well as significant changes to public transport.”

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) said the announcement will be “music to the ears of many business owners.”

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FSB NI’s Roger Pollen said: “Small businesses have been frustrated during lockdown to see larger businesses being able to continue to trade in products which they sell, while they were forbidden from opening.

“The economy minister’s announcement will be music to the ears of many business owners, who are eager to open the shutters.”