Sinn Fein statement: ‘There is no such thing as a good Brexit’

Party President Mary Lou McDonaldParty President Mary Lou McDonald
Party President Mary Lou McDonald
Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald TD has responded to news of an agreement between the European Union and the British government in respect of Brexit.

She said: “I welcome the fact that an agreement has been reached between the European Union and the British government.

“There is no such thing as a good Brexit. Brexit is being foisted on the north of Ireland against the democratic wishes of the people.

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“As a party, Sinn Féin has worked to defend Irish interests from the worst impacts of Brexit.


“It was Sinn Féin who first made the case for a ‘designated special status for the north within the EU’ and it was Sinn Féin who insisted on the protection of the Good Friday Agreement and no hard border on the island of Ireland as bottom lines.

“We have also insisted that no veto can be given to Unionism.

“Ireland’s interests must be protected.

“Any deal can only mitigate the worst effects of Brexit; a least worst option.

“The deal agreed today is complex and wide-ranging and all aspects need to be considered in their entirety. We will be meeting with the Tánaiste in the coming hours in this regard.”