Six republican funerals and counting – but still no action over first one

Image from Francie McNally's funeralImage from Francie McNally's funeral
Image from Francie McNally's funeral
No action has been taken against anyone involved in the very first republican funeral of the Covid-19 pandemic – that of Francie McNally on April 8 last year.

The News Letter today reveals this fact just after yet another IRA-related funeral hit the headlines amid concern about possible breaches of coronavirus advice during what is meant to be a lockdown.

There have now been at least six republican funerals which have drawn the attention of police.

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The latest example concerns the funeral of IRA man Eamonn McCourt in Londonderry; images circulated on Monday of a crowd following a cortege through the streets, flanked by mourners dressed in white shirts and black ties.

The PSNI says it is investigating the matter, but it is now 295 days since the McNally funeral and no action has arisen there – even though police had said the breaches in that case were “blatant”.

When it comes to Monday’s McCourt funeral, the deceased died with Covid-19 – but his body was brought back to the family home (official advice says “if the death is Covid-19 related ... the remains are not to be taken to a private dwelling”).

Details of when the body was leaving home, and an open invitation to all to attend the graveyard, was then issued via Facebook.

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The PSNI said: “Regrettably at the funeral on Monday morning, a significant number of people gathered as part of the cortege in a manner likely to be in breach of the health protection regulations.”

Regarding the Francie McNally funeral, the PSNI told the News Letter last night: “As this is an ongoing investigation, it’d be inappropriate to comment further at this time. A file has been submitted to the PPS.”

And the PPS in turn said: “We received an investigation file from police on January 7 in relation to alleged breaches of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (NI) Regulations 2020 on April 8 last year.

“Two individuals are reported on this file.

“This is under active consideration and a decision will issue in due course after a thorough examination of all available evidence.”

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