‘Trump is a friend of Ulster’, says Ian Paisley

DUP MPs pose with a 'Keep America Great' banner in support of Donald TrumpDUP MPs pose with a 'Keep America Great' banner in support of Donald Trump
DUP MPs pose with a 'Keep America Great' banner in support of Donald Trump
DUP MP Ian Paisley has launched a staunch defence of his support for US President Donald Trump after he and party colleagues were criticised for posing with a banner of Mr Trump’s slogan on social media.

On Wednesday, East Antrim MP Sammy Wilson posted a photograph of himself with Mr Paisley and fellow DUP MP Paul Girvan holding a flag reading ‘Trump 2020 — Keep America Great’.

Their support of the President in his re-election campaign came in for criticism from some other MPs, including the SDLP’s Claire Hanna and Labour’s Rosena Allin-Khan. Speaking to the News Letter on Friday, Mr Paisley responded to the criticism by insisting Mr Trump is a “friend of Ulster” and a “much more helpful President to the United Kingdom” than his election rival Joe Biden.

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“The fact of the matter is that President Trump will be a much more helpful President to the United Kingdom as we exit the EU than Joe Biden,” he said.

“President Trump has said the United Kingdom is at the front of the queue and is their best friend and partner.

“So, for a UK-USA trade deal and partnership that is essential.”

The North Antrim MP, who has met the President on more than one occasion, continued: “Under President Trump there has been a massive amount of foreign direct investment into Northern Ireland. President Trump knows Northern Ireland, his family have been in Northern Ireland.

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“Unionists have access to the Whitehouse. Unionists are in the front door of the Whitehouse.”

Regarding the criticism he and his party colleagues have received, he added: “Unionists having access to the Whitehouse really gets the goat of Republicans.”