‘UK liberals have a sick view of their own native land’ says Brexiteer tycoon

A unknown man trying to burn a Union flag at London's cenotaph in 2020A unknown man trying to burn a Union flag at London's cenotaph in 2020
A unknown man trying to burn a Union flag at London's cenotaph in 2020
Prominent Brexiteer Ben Habib has penned a sharp critique of the “liberal class”, saying they regard their own native country with “disdain”.

He made the remarks in a foreword to the new Unionist Voice document, published yesterday by Jamie Bryson as a follow-on to his analysis of the NI Protocol a few weeks back.

The Cambridge-educated, Pakistani-born property boss began by saying: “There is a sickness which pervades our liberal class. It is a disdain for the United Kingdom; for its history, its culture, its people and its unity.

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“Somehow, these people, who themselves pervade our media, the civil service and governing institutions, have made it unfashionable generally to be proud of being British.

“Patriotism has become a dirty word. Pride in our country is frowned upon... It is largely these people that wish to surrender our sovereignty to the European Union...

“They lack confidence not just in the United Kingdom but in themselves.

“For if they had self-confidence, they would never give up something as precious as the right of self-determination within our sovereign unit: the union of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.”

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He also said he had seen the 1998 Agreement as being a kind of unneccessary compromise, since “the IRA were beaten and we volunteered up defeat out of the jaws of victory”.

He went on to add though: “But be that as it may, the Belfast Agreement was put in place and it has endured for nearly a generation.

“The Protocol, which falsely claims to protect that Agreement, is yet another entirely unnecessary step towards Irish Nationalism and the destruction of the United Kingdom.”

Mr Habib is CEO of First Property Group plc, and in May 2019 was briefly made an MEP for the Brexit Party, representing London.


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