Rev David McMillan: The importance of consecrating one’s life to God

Rev David McMillanRev David McMillan
Rev David McMillan
Dr John R. Mott was an American evangelist whose work took him all around the globe, and as a result he spent a lot of time at sea. John crossed the Pacific ocean 14 times and the Atlantic an amazing 100 times. Someone worked out that he spent 34 days a year travelling by ship.

After conducting evangelistic meetings in Britain, he and a colleague were offered free passage back to America on the maiden voyage of the Titanic.

The tickets were offered by an official of the White Star Line who was interested in their work. But they declined the very generous offer because they felt that the Titanic was too luxurious a Liner for men in their position to travel on. So, they booked tickets to cross the Atlantic on the more humble liner the SS Lapland. When they arrived in New York City, and heard the tragic news that the Titanic had sunk the two men looked at each other and said, “The good Lord must have more work for us to do”. Dr Mott certainly had more work to do, because he was spared for another 43 years and laboured internationally for the Lord.

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The Lord may not have delivered you from death by guiding your pathway in such an amazing manner.

But if you know the Lord as your Saviour, there is only one reason that the Lord has spared you to this time, and that is because: ‘He must have more work for you to do.’

It is important to always keep in view the Biblical truth that every believer is ‘saved to serve’. The Lord has redeemed you for a purpose, and that is so that you might serve Him.

Several times over Moses declared to Pharaoh, “Thus saith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may serve me” (Exodus 8:1).

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The message is clear and unmistakable, God redeems His people, so that they can serve Him.

Let me ask you to stop for a moment and consider your life from the time that you were saved, and then ask yourself: what have you done for the Lord since? What have you done to win souls and further the cause of the gospel?

The Psalmist David was very conscious of the urgency in serving Christ when he said, “Remember how short my time is.” (Psalm 89:47).

May you see that reality afresh today, you have so little time to serve the Saviour, and to seek to win souls for Him. The Lord in His mercy has given you more time to serve Him. In the light of that fact let me urge you to, Willingly, consecrate your service this day to the Lord (First Chronicles 29:5).

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