Shankill bomb victim 're-traumatised' after video of Sean Kelly shows him being restrained in NI shopping centre - 'Secretary of State must revoke his licence'

Sean Kelly being restrainedSean Kelly being restrained
Sean Kelly being restrained | jpimedia
Police are investigating the circumstances around a video which shows Shankill bomber Sean Kelly being restrained.

The footage emerged on social media across the weekend.

During the scenes, Kelly is restrained by others during an incident at a shopping centre in north Belfast.

A victim of the Shankill bomb - for which Kelly was convicted - said seeing the footage 'retraumatised' him at a time of national lockdown.

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Sean Kelly being restrainedSean Kelly being restrained
Sean Kelly being restrained | other

Gary Murray, 42, whose 13-year-old sister Leanne Murray was murdered in the bomb said: "It just brings it all back again.

"He seems to have been carrying an offensive weapon and tried to attack somebody so he has to have broken the terms of his licence.

"We need the Secretary of State to take action here. we know he has the power to revoke his licence. All the Shankill bomb families have seen this and we want to get his licence revoked.

"This cannot be allowed to happen."

Kelly was convicted of the IRA’s 1993 bombing of a Shankill Road fish shop which killed nine people, including two children.

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Another bomber, Thomas Begley, was also killed in the blast.

Kelly was handed nine life sentences for his role in the bombing, but was released in July 2000 under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement.

The families of some of the Shankill bomb victims have called for Kelly’s licence to be revoked.

Justice minister Naomi Long tweeted that she had reported the incident to police after seeing the footage.

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A PSNI spokesman said an investigation into the incident has been launched.

“Police are aware of a video posted on a social media platform on Saturday May 2,” he said.

“An investigation into the circumstances surrounding this incident has commenced.

“Inquiries are continuing.”


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