'Sinister' and 'sectarian' graffiti sprayed on road near Rising Sun bar

Rising Sun barRising Sun bar
Rising Sun bar
A DUP MP has called for the removal of sectarian graffiti that has appeared on a road near the Rising Sun bar in Greysteel.

East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell said the graffiti which included slogans “Prods out” have been sprayed onto the road surface near the scene of one of the most awful atrocities during the Troubles.He further called for condemnation of the graffiti - on the A2 Clooney road between Greysteel and Eglinton - from all political parties in the area.“This graffiti is not only sinister but blatantly sectarian and I have requested that it is removed by the Department for Infrastructure as quickly as possible," he said."Its location is only a short distance from the Rising Sun bar in Greysteel where next month the 25th anniversary of the murder of eight people will occur. "Such graffiti is totally inappropriate at any location or time, but given the sensitivities of the location it should be removed as a matter of urgency."

He added that "some nationalist representatives in the area who have highlighted paint colours on roundabouts attributing sectarian motives for that" yet "they appear to be silent about this blatant activity".

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"I would hope that local Sinn Fein and SDLP representatives would also condemn this disgraceful hate crime which is motivated solely by sectarian bigotry and hatred," he added.

The Greysteel massacre took place on October 30 1993 when members of the UDA opened fire on people in the bar, as a Hallowe'en party went on, killing eight and wounding nineteen.

Four men were sentenced to life imprisonment for the massacre, but were released in 2000 under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement.