Sinn Fein's O'Dowd defiant after billboards defaced

John O'DowdJohn O'Dowd
John O'Dowd
Sinn Fein has said those who paint-bombed their election campaign billboards in Portadown are wasting their time and that the 'increasing transformation of society' will not be halted.

Two billboards, at Bridge Street and at the Castle Street car park, were defaced.

Outgoing MLA John O’Dowd said: “So far in this election we have had hundreds of our election posters stolen, we have been criticised for supporting community groups in their efforts to help citizens register to vote, there have been efforts to stop RTÉ covering our party Ard Fheis, and now our election campaign billboards have been paint-bombed.

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“In this historic week, 100 years since 1916, we should pose the question – who fears to speak of election week?

“Next week voters will go to the polls and have the choice of electing both Catherine Seeley and myself – two progressive voices working for change and equality in our society.”

He added: “Those who wish to silence or block out Sinn Fein are simply wasting their time. Sinn Fein is growing and will continue to work for all our citizens.”