The Twelfth: Resolutions on faith, loyalty and state

The resolutions reaffirm devotion and loyalty to the QueenThe resolutions reaffirm devotion and loyalty to the Queen
The resolutions reaffirm devotion and loyalty to the Queen

‘As members of the Loyal Orange Institution of Ireland, holding to the Reformed, evangelical, Protestant faith, we affirm the Biblical truth that the only King and Head of the Church is the Lord Jesus Christ and reject all who would take to themselves titles and claims that belong solely to Him. Our supreme aim must always be to exalt Christ, willingly submitting to His Holy Word as our only rule of faith and practice and rejecting all teachings that are contrary to scripture which deny Christ to be the only mediator between God and man.’


‘We reaffirm devotion and loyalty to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We again give thanks for her long and selfless service and that of Prince Philip and we would wish them every blessing and continued health.’


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‘The Orange Institution remembers the Armistice centenary of November 1918 which signalled the end of the Great War. An estimated 200,000 Orangemen served in that terrible conflict. This Orange family paid a high price and we remember with gratitude the service and sacrifice made by so many of our brethren and sisters. We remember too, the price paid by our 336 members who died at the hands of terrorists during the Troubles. We again commit ourselves to perpetuating their memory and to ensuring that the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity will not be permitted to rewrite the history of that period. As uncertainty continues regarding the process of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, we reaffirm our commitment to, and support of, maintenance of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. We will resolutely oppose any development which politically, economically or culturally undermines the current constitutional position. We reaffirm opposition to the introduction of any legislation for the Irish language. Such a move would have detrimental consequences for our British identity and would be acknowledged as a landmark victory for Irish republicanism in the cultural war against our community.’